Friday, August 29, 2008

More pics.....from our White Pine week

Beautiful sunset. Girls collecting rocks from the water. Girls roasting marshmallows by the fire.

I'll try to add a few more pictures.....

Adasen and Ida with their butterfly "Flutter." Flutter stayed with the girls for several days. When we were gone Flutter was gone. When we were outside, Flutter showed up and hung out. Flutter even drank home made nectar from my hand. It was so cool to watch!

So I tried to add pictures.......

but it only allowed me to add one and it put it at the bottom of the blog..... so obviously I have to work on this some more. I have hundreds (literally) of pictures to share. I would of course condense but I'd at least like to add ten or twenty. LOL Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!! Please...

Well, I just added two more pictures to this blog entry. One is of my girlies Adasen and Ida and the other is of Parker with his authentic Sombrero and Mexican blanket. He bargained for these while he was vacationing in Mexico this summer with his Papaw.

Anyway, back to my original question....... I still need help with the pictures. LOL I'm a dork.

It's Friday.....

only three days left of freedom after today and then it's back to work and school. Then it's religion classes, football, dance, guitar, lots of homework..... and all of the fun things that come with this time of year. I hate to wish any days away but I was already looking in my planner to see when our next time off will be.... we have two days off in October! I'm so bad.....

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'm back......

It has been a busy week and a half! Greg and I celebrated 14 years of marriage on the 20th. We took the kids up to Michigan on the 19th so Greg's parents could watch them for us. We just wanted a few days to ourselves (well, we still had to care for the dogs, the fish, and the hamster. The snake was ok. LOL) to hang out and be a couple.

We took in a few movies. Stepbrothers has terribly crude humor but my goodness we laughed so hard. The entire movie had us in stitches.

We ate an amazing restaurant in Green Bay called Hinterland. The menu was beyond anything I had ever seen in my life. Well, except on Chef Gordon Ramsey's show, Hell's Kitchen. The food itself was unbelievable! Greg and I never tasted so many wonderful flavors and each complimented the next. It was an amazing dining experience that we will treasure for a very long time.

Greg and I did a lot of little things but we laughed and we talked....and we held hands. It was so refreshing to have that time together. We are already looking ahead to next August!!

This week has been filled with last minute school errands, an interview for my daycare, and lots of organizing! I'm tired...... and school starts in a few short days?? Goodness, where did my summer go? It was over in the blink of an eye.

The kids are all played out and they are ready to get back to the school routine. It's a welcomed change at least for the first week or two. LOL

Monday, August 18, 2008


I just had spicy roll sushi and fish dumplings for supper. The wasabi paste really gives it the zinngggg that I love so much!

Tomorrow is our big day! We are taking the kiddos up to MI (1 1/2 hours away) to spend time with their Grandparents so that Greg and I can have some much needed couple time!! Our 14th wedding anniversary is on Wed.

We have reservations at a nice restaurant in Green Bay (Hinterland). We also plan to take in a few movies, to catch a comedy show at The Comedy Cafe, to do some walking on the Ave, and to get smoothies (soooo healthy)!

I'm just excited to have some alone time with my MAN!! LOL

If the house is a rocken', don't come a knocken'! LMSO!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oh my goodness....

I forgot that I have been blogging. No kidding. I have been checking everyone else's blogs and keeping up to date on their life's happenings but I've neglected to blog about my own. LOL I tell ya', I do have natural blond highlights. :0)

We had friends visiting today from Bonduel (about 45 minutes away). We normally only see them twice a year but when we do get together, it's wonderful! My friend Lynn is a Christian and she always makes me hunger to be closer to God when she's around. She is so positive and she always makes me smile. I love her.

Her daughter and son did not want to leave when it was time to go and that made me feel good.

It took me eight hours to thoroughly clean yesterday (vacuumed vents, ceiling fan, baseboards, etc....) and it was so nice to just enjoy the day and not worry about the way the house looked.

I feel refreshed!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

I finished it......

I read the last book in the Twilight Series, Breaking Dawn in less than one full day. I can't believe I went from being a non reader to reading six books in less than one summer! I absolutely loved Stephenie Meyer's books!! Loved them!

I'll always be a Bella and Edward fan! And Jacob, and Nessie...... and Charlie..... and Alice, Esme, Carlisle, etc......

My eyes are so tired from reading. The book was over 700 pages long.

I'm off to rest. :0)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

We're back.....

and the girls had a blast! I had fun too, although there were some low points that I choose not to go into detail about. I just want to focus on the good things!

We got a tour of the copper mine in White Pine, Michigan. The kids loved it. I saw tons of tiny bats and took lots of pictures. Adorable!

We hiked in the Porcupine Mountains to see the Falls. Amazing.....the sound of the rushing waters and the views were breathtaking to say the least.

We ate at Konteka restaurant. There is a glass window that separates you from wild bears eating food tossed out by the restaurant workers. It was so fun to watch the bears in action. (These are not hand raised bears. They wander in from the forest at their leisure.) We were told that a coyote and a few other critters wander in but we only saw three black bears.

We spent a day at the beach collecting beautiful rocks and walking along the shore to view a ship wreck.

We saw the sunset at this special spot where people come and sit on benches and washed up logs..... they make fires, cook, roast marshmallows, serenade their spouses, etc... and take tons and tons of pictures of the beautiful scenery. We went twice and I could have gone every night.

There was a beautiful butterfly that befriended the three girls while we were at the cabin. This butterfly (Flutter) was always with the girls. He would rest on their shirts, their hands, etc.... Flutter even drank sugar water from my hand. It was so awesome to have a butterfly drink home made nectar from my hand! Flutter would sleep in his bush at night and then find the girls in the morning or when we were at home in the evening hours. Yes, I have lots of pictures!

We also visited Janice's friend's cabin that sits on 80 acres of beautiful property. Gary takes pride in his place and it shows! Gary has a huge (and I mean huge) pond that he stoked with turtles and fish. The kids caught turtles and then had a race with them to see which one could get back to the water the fastest. Talk about fun! Adasen is my little country girl. She caught nine turtles on her own. Ida caught one with my help. She was content to try and it was fun to watch her go after the frogs.

We had a wonderful time in White Pine, Michigan. We experienced so many firsts that I know I'll never forget. It was a beautiful area and a constant reminder of God's wonders.....

I have to figure out how to post pictures. As soon as I do, I promise to show them off!