Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy Birthday to me....

I'm thirty-seven years old today. Boy, time flies!!! I still can't believe that I'm closer to forty than I am thirty. Greg doesn't understand my sentiments. He laughs. It's not that funny.....

Today was uneventful. I lounged.....all morning. And most of the afternoon.

The boys were gone to a dirt bike park in Fondulac and I was happy to just veg at home with the girls. They were putting on costumes and doing their hair and nails. They made up a few plays that I recorded. They were cute as always.

I finally jumped in the shower and now we are off to have ice cream at Coldstone thanks to a gift card from one of my daycare parents and a free coupon for the birthday girl thanks to Coldstone. LOL

Tomorrow we'll go to church and then take the kids to see a movie.

To be honest, I'm ready to climb back into my jammies....... I'm just about vacationed out.


Jamie said...


You are a beautiful, successful, mommy to 3 awesome children. So look at each year as another blessing and milestone.

I'm less than two months away from 40 and you know doesn't faze me at all! Once I found Tom and became a mommy, age was suddenly so unimportant.

Anyway(I tend to babble!)...hope your day was simply delightful!

Claire said...

Happy Birthday! :)

I hope you had a wonderful day!