Saturday, October 4, 2008

Adult Onset Acne

I'm suffering with it. I can't say living with it because I truly feel like I'm suffering! I never had problems with acne as a child. I may have had an occasional chin zit during my period but that was it. My acne started after I had Parker. It was mild back then but still bothersome considering the fact that I never had to deal with it prior to giving birth. I tried Clinique makeup and cleansing system for several years. It never seemed to help much. I tried Pro Activ. Benzoyl Peroxide doesn't do it for me. I finally saw my Doctor and was told I could go on the pill. Greg had a vasectomy in 2000 so I could go off of the pill. I don't do well on the pill. I declined the pill. My Doctor put me on an oral antibiotic and told me to wash my face with Dial soap. Appparantly the Triclosan in the soap was good for clearning up acne. My acne worsened and I finally saw a Dermatologist who put me on another oral antibiotic along with two topicals... Differin gel and Evoclin (topical antibiotic). I stayed on the antibiotic from October until July of the next year and finally decided that I didn't want antibiotics in my system any longer (I did notice that they helped but did NOT clear them up by any means.) My acne has been the worst it has ever been for the past two months. I am almost 100% sure that my acne is hormonal because it only flairs up around my period and when I ovulate but it takes so darned long to clear up. My Dermatologist wanted to put me on Spironolactone and after several months of hesitation, I decided to give it a try. I'm on day two and all I can think about are the terrible side effects. There is a possibility for.......dry mouth, lots of peeing, a bad taste in my mouth that my spouse could taste, sore breasts, sore muscles, sore throat, tiredness.....I could have chest pain at some point. I might also have visible veins, yellowing of the skin, low blood pressure, increased potassium levels (to the point of it being dangerous), irregular periods....oh, and this drug has caused tumors in lab rats. SCARY! I just don't know what is worse at this point. My face is horrible...... just horrible.
Now, with all do fairness, I know that most drugs out there can POTENTIALLY have some nasty side effects, but still......I'm not taking most drugs. I'm taking this one. And I'm scared.
I can't believe that I'm blogging about acne but I'm just so tired of feeling icky......and I'm hoping that this medicine helps me but I'm not holding my breath.


Maryann said...

I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you. I get acne right before my period, and put neutrogena on it and it clears it right up.

Kerrie said...

Oh no - I totally understand this one Leese, my skin has broken out on and off since I had kids and when it happens I feel like a hideous troll!
I know you said you tried antibiotics, did you try minocycline?
That's the one my dermatologist likes best and it worked great for me, with no side effects at all.
I was worried about being on it long term but it's a really low dose and it's a fairly "gentle" antibiotic.
I pray something helps you soon, acne sounds like a "silly superficial thin" but I know it can be devastating!

Parrett Five said...

Kerrie, I was on Minocycline for six months and saw no improvement. I went on Oracea for about four months but I didn't see much improvement with that either and after being on antibiotics for that long (10 months), I felt that I needed a break from them. My acne was the worst two months ago and I finally broke down and agreed to try Spironolactone (my Dermatologist offered it to me back in June but I declined after doing a lot of research on it). I've been taking Spironolactone for almost one month and I'm already starting to see subtle changes in my skin...less oil being the biggest so far. I'm still very nervous about all of the side effects that Spironolactone can cause but honestly, just about everything you take can potentially have some nasty side effects.
I feel like this acne has got to decrease so I'm just going to stick with the Spironolactone for now.